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Online Reputation Management Services


Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the process of monitoring and managing a business or brand’s reputation in the online space. It involves tracking and responding to online mentions, reviews, and feedback, as well as creating positive content to promote the brand. ORM professionals will work to address the issue and try to mitigate any negative impact it may have on the individual or organization.



(Ready2Ride ORM Portal)

ORM is important because consumers often rely on online reviews and feedback when making purchasing decisions. A negative online reputation can lead to decreased trust and credibility, which can ultimately hurt a company’s bottom line. ORM typically involves using a combination of search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques, social media monitoring, and content creation strategies to build and maintain a positive online image. This can include creating and publishing high-quality content, responding to customer feedback and complaints, managing online reviews and ratings, and proactively engaging with customers to promote the brand.


Online Reputation Management (ORM) for Dealerships:


Online Reputation Management (ORM) is important for Powersports dealerships, as customers rely heavily on online reviews and feedback when making purchasing/servicing decisions. Here are the top 5 Reasons Your Dealership Needs ORM. 


1. 93% of customers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions.

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2. A single negative review can cost a business up to 30 customers. 

3. 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

4. Businesses with a 4-star rating or higher on Google My Business are more likely to attract customers. We at Ready2Ride use our reputation management platform to direct only positive reviews to your Google and Facebook pages while blocking negative ratings.

5. 59% of businesses have experienced a crisis due to negative online content. This highlights the potential impact of negative online content on a business’s reputation.


Essential strategies to improve the online reputation of the Powersports industry

1. Monitor online mentions:

Dealerships should regularly monitor online mentions of their brand, including social media posts, online reviews, and comments on third-party review sites. By monitoring online mentions, dealerships can quickly respond to customer feedback and address any negative comments or complaints.


2. Analyze & respond to customer reviews:

When a customer leaves a review or feedback online, dealerships should respond promptly and professionally. By responding to customer feedback, dealerships can demonstrate that they value customer satisfaction and are committed to resolving any issues. Ready2Ride analyzes customer reviews and responds to them quickly through our Automated marketing portal.


3. Create positive content:

Dealerships can also create positive content to promote their brand online. This can include blog posts, videos, and social media content that highlights the dealership’s unique selling points and positive customer experiences.


4. Encourage positive reviews:

Dealerships can encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews online. This can be done by sending follow-up emails after a purchase, including a link to leave a review on third-party sites like Google or Facebook. You can also automate the customer purchase journey with Ready2Ride email and SMS marketing, in which we ask customers to provide feedback on their previous visits to your dealership. When it comes to service/sale satisfaction transaction email and SMS, Ready2Ride has 60% customer engagement.


5. Train staff:

Finally, dealerships should train their staff to provide excellent customer service and handle customer complaints effectively. It is also critical for the staff member to understand when to solicit feedback during a purchase/service transaction. This can help increase reviews, and prevent negative reviews and feedback in the first place.


By implementing these ORM strategies, powersports dealerships can build and maintain a positive online reputation, leading to increased customer trust, improved search engine rankings, and ultimately, increased business success. Ready2RideMobile provides comprehensive automation of your online reputation management, with an emphasis on boosting your online reputation across platforms like Google and Facebook 


Click here to request a 30-minute demo with us today to learn more about Ready2RideMobile Marketing Automation and how we can help your business get the most out of your marketing dollars.

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